Workshop: “Austerity Urbanism in Greek and German Cities”

Austerity Urbanism 2015 - Flyer23rd – 25th of March 2015

Cities are the place where austerity bites, Jamie Peck argued in 2012. This second workshop on „Austerity Urbanism“ – following on in Athens in December 2013 –, provides the possibility to discuss, asses and analyze developments in Greek and German cities in times of crisis and austerity. The workshop focusses especially on Frankfurt/M. and Athens and engages critically with topics like the housing question, social resistance, urban planning and changes in everyday life; and will highlight inter-scale mechanisms that are politically created through the multilevel-governance including the European Union, the nation state, local authorities but also non-governmental actors. While discussing these topics across borders we aim to deepen our understandings of processes and there transnational aspects as well as their local particularities.

23rd – 25th of March 2015
PEG-Building | Room: 1.G 191

of Human Geography
Goethe-University Frankfurt/M.
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60629 Frankfurt/Main


Monday, March 23rd

10:30 – 11:00 | Room: PEG 1.G 191

Session 1 | The Global City Frankfurt
11:00 – 12:30 | Room: PEG 1.G 191
Organized by Conny Petzold (Goethe-University) with contributions from: Dr Andrea Mösgen, Conny Petzold, Daniel Mullis & Tino Petzold (Goethe-University)

Session 2 | Housing & Everyday life I
14:00 – 15:30 | Room: PEG 1.G 191
Kerstin Bläser (Goethe-University): „Riding the cycle: Channelling financial flows in the German real estate market“
Dr Dimitra Siatitsa (NTUA): „Transformations of homeownership patterns in Greece: politics of dispossession and questions for alternative responses“

Session 3 | Housing & Everyday life II
16:00 – 17:30 | Room: PEG 1.G 191
Dr Anne Vogelpohl & Ronja Lührs (Hamburg University): „Problems of Inhabiting: Everyday Experiences of the Crisis“
Dr Evangelia Chatzikonstantinou (NTUA), Dr Fereniki Vatavali (Hellenic Open University): „Energy poverty in Athens: policies, practices and spatial implications“

Field trip 1 | Costs: free
17:45 – 20:30 | meeting point: in the front of PEG
Jenny Künkel (Goethe-University): „The Railway Quarter District – Policing sex and drugs against the background of gentrification“

Tuesday, March 24th

Field trip 2 | Costs: ca. 7 Euro
09:30 – 12:30 | meeting point: Opernturm
Prof Dr Marianne Rodenstein (Goethe-University): „The Frankfurt financial district“

Session 4 | Social Resistance I
14:00 – 15:30 | Room: PEG 1.G 191
Dr Penny Koutrolikou, Dr Paschalis Samarinis, Dr Evangelia Chatzikonstantinou and Dimitra Spanou (NTUA): „From ‘08 to ‘11 to ‘14: Transformations of collective actions in the context of the crisis. Towards new ‘normalities’ in urban everyday life?“
Daniel Mullis (Goethe-University): „Struggles over Austerity: Producing Space on Both Sides of the Barricade – The Case of Athens“

Session 5 | Social Resistance II
16:00 – 17:30 | Room: PEG 1.G 191
Prof Dr Dina Vaiou (NTUA): „Claiming urban space: micro-geographies of collective action in Athens“
Anna Lustenberger & Moritz Bachmann (Goethe-University): „Offenbach, ABG and the Right to the City“

Wednesday, March 25th

Field trip 3 | Costs: free
09:00 – 12:00 | meeting point: Bockenheimer Warte
Dr Sebastian Schipper (Bauhaus-University Weimar) & Felix Wiegand (Goethe-University): „Gentrification in Gallus & Europaviertel“

Final discussion
13:30 – 15:00 | Room: PEG 1.G 19

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